You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing, It’s a metaphor

The Metaphore

Tuesday 2 September 2014


The Duff is the story of Bianca.

Her best friends are Jessica and Casey.
But it she's different from her friends. They love dance, go to parties ... But Bianca is the opposite, when they go to Nest, she never dances, and the only guy that she speaks with him is Joe, the bartender. But is 30 years old.
She has never thought she's pretty, but not ugly. Until one day Weasley Rush called her, the Duff (Designated Ugly Fat Friend).
She hate him, but it's the only way out to escape family problems.
But sex brings feelings that Bianca was not expected.
Maybe Weasley Rush is not as bad as it seems ...
The author is Kody Keplinger

Monday 1 September 2014


From 12th to 20th of July I went to France with Juana.
We took a plane at 13.00h and we arrived to the Paris airport at 3p.m.
There, Louis, Loane and Lucile picked us. I left with Louis and his mother, and we were 2 hours in the car.
In France i saw many peple, like Josephine, Capucine, Eden, Louise, Alienor...
We slept many days in tents.
The first time in Eden's home, the second time in Louis home, the third in Lucile's house, then Louis home again.
And the last day, we slept in lucile home, because the next day, we must come back to Spain.
I pass a very good time in France, i hope to return someday.