You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing, It’s a metaphor

The Metaphore

Friday 6 September 2013


Hello, my name is Sara and I have 13 years old. I'm a normal girl, except for one thing.
3 years ago I suffered a throat cancer and me had to operate. I felt pain for a long time, for almost a year I interacted with anyone, not speak and barely ate. My parents didn't have much money, only had money for food and little else.
One day I was with my parents for the street, they talked serenely, but they didn't notice what was going on around. When we across the street, a car came out of nowhere. Try to warn my parents, but of my mouth no words came. I could not speak, I was struck dumb by the operation, and not only that, my parents had just died before my eyes. All my fault, I could do nothing, for a moment I felt so helpless. I was scared, all I could think of was to run.
I walked all over the city of Valencia, I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was that I had to get money soon. I had one idea in my mind, something that fit me perfectly. Being mime. But not a normal mime, if not the most realistic of all, but also the saddest in the world, since I was alone and always would be.

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